A woman stripped and walked nude aboard Southwest flight from Houston

A Southwest flight was forced to return to its gate after a female passenger ran naked up and down its aisle for 25 minutes.A Southwest…


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When taxi time is even longer than flight time in Chicago O’Hare Airport maze

A Fedex Boeing 757 had to taxi for about 40 minutes after…


REPORT An Airbus A319 lost a panel in-flight after a loud noise from the left hand engine

Air Serbia flight returned to Belgrade after the crew heard a loud…


REPORT Bird blood found in both engines of Jeju Air Boeing 737 instead of just one as previously reported

Investigators have found bird feathers and blood in both engines of the…


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ALERT SpaceX has lost the Starship again

The mission was aborted after the Starship was lost during test flight…


Four tanks were found in Poland after Space X’s rocked uncontrollably disintegrated over Europe

The second stage of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket disintegrated over Europe…


We now know the launch window for SpaceX’s new Starship test flight on Friday

SpaceX's Starship megarocket will fly again this week, if all goes according…

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