G-OATW Archives - AIRLIVE https://airlive.net/tag/g-oatw/ Aviation news network Tue, 16 Jul 2024 10:14:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://airlive.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-Logo-carre-32px-32x32.png G-OATW Archives - AIRLIVE https://airlive.net/tag/g-oatw/ 32 32 REPORT How several windows of an Airbus A321 were damaged during a filming event at London Stansted https://airlive.net/reports/2024/07/16/report-how-several-windows-of-an-airbus-a321-were-damaged-during-a-filming-event-at-london-stansted/ Tue, 16 Jul 2024 10:14:15 +0000 https://airlive.net/?p=105467 Several cabin windows on an Airbus A321 were damaged by high power lights used during a filming event. The aircraft was scheduled to embark on a multi-day charter away from base with a flight crew consisting of three pilots, an engineer, a load master and six cabin crew. The first sector was a positioning flight […]

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Several cabin windows on an Airbus A321 were damaged by high power lights used during a filming event.

The aircraft was scheduled to embark on a multi-day charter away from base with a flight crew consisting of three pilots, an engineer, a load master and six cabin crew. The first sector was a positioning flight from London Stansted Airport to Orlando International Airport, Florida. In addition to the 11 crew there were nine passengers on board who were all employees of the tour operator or aircraft operating company.

The aircraft was previously at Southend for maintenance repair after being used for VIP flights on behalf of the British government.

The passengers sat together in the middle of the aircraft just ahead of the overwing exits.The aircraft departed a few minutes ahead of schedule and took off from Runway 22. Several passengers recalled that after takeoff the aircraft cabin seemed noisier and colder than theywere used to. As the aircraft climbed through FL100 and the seatbelt signs were switched off, the loadmaster, who had been seated just in front of the other passengers, walked towards the back of the aircraft. He noticed the increased cabin noise as he approached the overwing exits and his attention was drawn to a cabin window on the left side of the aircraft. He observed that the window seal was flapping in the airflow and the windowpane appeared to have slipped down1. He described the cabin noise as ‘loud enough to damage your hearing’.

The loadmaster told the cabin crew and then went to the flight deck to inform the commander. At this stage the aircraft was climbing past FL130, there were no abnormal indications on the flight deck and the aircraft pressurisation system was operating normally. The flight crew stopped the climb at FL140 and reduced airspeed whilst the engineer and then the third pilot went to look at the window. Having inspected the window, it was agreed the aircraft should return to Stansted.

The cabin was quickly secured and the flight crew initiated a descent, first to FL100 and then to FL90. They established the aircraft in a hold whilst they completed the overweight landing checklist, confirmed landing performance and briefed for the return to Stansted.

Having parked and shut down, the crew inspected the aircraft from the outside and saw that two cabin windowpanes were missing and a third was dislodged.

The windows appear to have sustained thermal damage and distortion because of elevated temperatures while illuminated for approximately four to five and a half hours during filming activity the day before the flight. It is likely that the flood lights were positioned closer than 10 m. Whereas in this case the damage became apparent at around FL100 and the flight was concluded uneventfully, a different level of damage by the same means might have resulted in more serious consequences, especially if window integrity was lost at higher differential pressure.

You can download the full UK-AAIB report.

The post REPORT How several windows of an Airbus A321 were damaged during a filming event at London Stansted appeared first on AIRLIVE.
