N36962 Archives - AIRLIVE https://airlive.net/tag/n36962/ Aviation news network Tue, 10 Dec 2024 09:42:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://airlive.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-Logo-carre-32px-32x32.png N36962 Archives - AIRLIVE https://airlive.net/tag/n36962/ 32 32 Why several United heavy planes returned to their origin airports https://airlive.net/news/2024/12/11/why-several-united-heavy-planes-returned-to-their-origin-airports/ Wed, 11 Dec 2024 13:25:00 +0000 https://airlive.net/?p=112585 Flights from Los Angeles and Honolulu returned les than one hour after departure, here is why. Saturday, December 7 2024, United flight UA3876 from Los Angeles returned to LAX. The Boeing 787-9 (registration N36962) climbed to 27,000 ft then returned to LAX 57 minutes after departure. Thursday, December 5 2024, United flight UA3894 from Honolulu […]

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Flights from Los Angeles and Honolulu returned les than one hour after departure, here is why.

Saturday, December 7 2024, United flight UA3876 from Los Angeles returned to LAX.

The Boeing 787-9 (registration N36962) climbed to 27,000 ft then returned to LAX 57 minutes after departure.

Thursday, December 5 2024, United flight UA3894 from Honolulu returned less than one hour after departure.

The Boeing 777-222 (registration N774UA) climbed to 13,000 ft around the islands of Hawaii then returned to Honolulu after 49 minutes of flight.

To the North Pole

The flight had to divert, the pilot announced over the intercom Thursday afternoon.

“Santa has invited us to Christmas Island and all his elves are waiting there on the ground for us,” the pilot said.

This flight kicked off United Airlines’ Fantasy Flights, a series of 13 special flights created to spread holiday joy to deserving families, such as those with children grieving a loved one lost on active duty or caring for a child with cancer. The trips were planned jointly with local hospitals and nonprofits who helped identify the families.

“There are so many little kids that have never even been on a plane,” said Lena Wong, a United customer service agent who planned this year’s effort.

These short flights whisk the families away – taking off and back again to where they started – to spend an evening at the North Pole, a festive winter wonderland transformed by on-the-ground United staff, including retirees, and volunteers.

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