U2138 Archives - AIRLIVE https://airlive.net/tag/u2138/ Aviation news network Sun, 20 Oct 2024 17:42:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://airlive.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-Logo-carre-32px-32x32.png U2138 Archives - AIRLIVE https://airlive.net/tag/u2138/ 32 32 easyJet #U2138 to Belfast is declaring an emergency and diverting https://airlive.net/news/2024/10/20/easyjet-u2138-to-belfast-is-declaring-an-emergency-and-diverting/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 17:25:24 +0000 https://airlive.net/?p=111639 easyJet flight from Bristol to Belfast is declaring and emergency and diverting. easyJet flight #U2138 declared an emergency due to low fuel after holding near Belfast and was unable to land due to wind gusts up to 48kt. The Airbus A320-200 (registration G-EZUL) has been vectored to Manchester where the wind is gusting to 29 […]

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easyJet flight from Bristol to Belfast is declaring and emergency and diverting.

easyJet flight #U2138 declared an emergency due to low fuel after holding near Belfast and was unable to land due to wind gusts up to 48kt.

The Airbus A320-200 (registration G-EZUL) has been vectored to Manchester where the wind is gusting to 29 kt but in the direction of the runway.

Flight #U2138 is diverting to Manchester Airport.

Flight #U2138 landed on runway 23R.

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