EDDM Archives - AIRLIVE https://airlive.net/tag/eddm/ Aviation news network Thu, 10 Nov 2016 14:25:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://airlive.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-Logo-carre-32px-32x32.png EDDM Archives - AIRLIVE https://airlive.net/tag/eddm/ 32 32 VIDEO Piloting the Airbus A340-600 out of Munich https://airlive.net/spotting/2016/11/13/video-piloting-the-airbus-a340-600-out-of-munich/ https://airlive.net/spotting/2016/11/13/video-piloting-the-airbus-a340-600-out-of-munich/#respond Sun, 13 Nov 2016 15:00:17 +0000 http://www.airlive.net/?p=25543 On the Flightdeck of the South African Airways Airbus A340-600 from Munich to Jonahhesburg.

The post VIDEO Piloting the Airbus A340-600 out of Munich appeared first on AIRLIVE.

On the Flightdeck of the South African Airways Airbus A340-600 from Munich to Jonahhesburg.

The post VIDEO Piloting the Airbus A340-600 out of Munich appeared first on AIRLIVE.

https://airlive.net/spotting/2016/11/13/video-piloting-the-airbus-a340-600-out-of-munich/feed/ 0