accident Archives - AIRLIVE Aviation news network Mon, 17 Apr 2023 10:23:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 accident Archives - AIRLIVE 32 32 The wing tip of an EVA Air A321 aircraft collided with a parked Boeing 777 Mon, 17 Apr 2023 10:21:58 +0000 Boeing 777 aircraft suffers damage as Eva Air A321 wing punctures its nose in Evergreen Hangqin tractor accident. Evergreen Airlines conducted tractor operations on the night of the 16th, resulting in an accident; according to reports, the wing tip of an EVA Air A321 aircraft collided with a parked EVA Air Boeing 777, causing damage […]

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Boeing 777 aircraft suffers damage as Eva Air A321 wing punctures its nose in Evergreen Hangqin tractor accident.

Evergreen Airlines conducted tractor operations on the night of the 16th, resulting in an accident; according to reports, the wing tip of an EVA Air A321 aircraft collided with a parked EVA Air Boeing 777, causing damage to the wing tips under the nose.

Evergreen Aviation confirmed that the driver’s careless operation caused the accident, and the service has been suspended.

Evergreen Aviation was involved in an accident during tractor operations of A16 and B-321 aircraft models in the Evergreen Aerospace Operation Area late on the 16th.

The wingtip of the B-16227 hit the parked Boeing 777 and B-16740 aircraft on the side, causing damage under the nose of the EVA Air B-16740 aircraft. According to reports, the preliminary investigation indicated that the ground crew was not under the influence of alcohol during the incident.

Evergreen Aviation attributed the accident to the driver’s careless operation and has suspended service as a result, reported ETtoday.

An accident was reported in the tractor operation of Evergreen Hangqin, which caused the wing tip of the B-16227 to hit the nose of the B-16740. (Photo/Courtesy of Reader)
An accident was reported in the tractor operation of Evergreen Hangqin, which caused the wing tip of the B-16227 to hit the nose of the B-16740. (Photo/Courtesy of Reader)

Ground Report

EVA Airlines reported an accident involving an empty A16-321 tractor operation at Taoyuan Airport late. The trailer driver turned into the apron on the taxiway. Furthermore, the aircraft touched the EVA Air 777-300ER passenger aircraft parked on the tarmac due to careless operation.

This collision caused damage to the right-wing tip of the A321-200 aircraft and the nose of the 777-300ER. EVA Airlines immediately notified the competent authority and suspended the employee who caused the accident.

The airline added that the cause of the accident needs to be further investigated by the relevant authorities.

Also, Read, Engine pod of a Boeing 747 strikes the runway during a landing attempt before a go-around – AIRLIVE.

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REPORT Midair Collision between Cirrus SR22 and Metroliner caused by high speed turn Mon, 10 Apr 2023 10:00:27 +0000 According to the US NTSB department, the Cirrus SR22 aircraft pilot’s high-speed turn from base leg to final resulted in overshooting the centerline and entering a parallel approach path, leading to a collision with a Swearingen Metroliner. The accident occurred on May 12, 2021, at Colorado’s Centennial airport, causing substantial damage to both planes on […]

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According to the US NTSB department, the Cirrus SR22 aircraft pilot’s high-speed turn from base leg to final resulted in overshooting the centerline and entering a parallel approach path, leading to a collision with a Swearingen Metroliner.

The accident occurred on May 12, 2021, at Colorado’s Centennial airport, causing substantial damage to both planes on different tower frequencies.

The pilot and passenger of the Cirrus survived after deploying its recovery parachute, and the Metroliner’s pilot landed safely.

The airport’s parallel runways, 17R and 17L were in use, with the Metroliner approaching 17L and the Cirrus flying downwind on a right-hand traffic pattern for 17R.

The Cirrus, under manual control, was flying at about 148kt during the base leg, although the recommended approach speed with flaps up was around 90-95kt.

Cirrus SR22 and Metroliner Collision

During the Cirrus SR22’s turn to final approach at Centennial Airport (APA) in Colorado. The aircraft collided with a Swearingen Metroliner after overshooting the centreline and straying into a parallel approach path.

The accident occurred on May 12, 2021, and both aircraft were significantly damaged. However, the Metroliner managed to land safely while the Cirrus deployed its recovery parachute.

The collision occurred halfway through the turn to final, on a heading of 146°, about 3.2nm north of the airport and at an altitude of about 735ft, causing a large section of the upper aft fuselage to be torn out.

The Key Lime Air aircraft, which was being positioned from Salida, landed safely despite the damage. According to the Metroliner pilot’s statement to investigators, he initially checked the engine controls, thinking that one of the powerplants had failed after hearing a “tremendous explosion.”

Despite the damage, the Cirrus activated its parachute system and landed about 3nm north of the airport. Furthermore, the collision took place in good daylight weather conditions.

the Cirrus SR22 aircraft pilot's high-speed turn from base leg to final resulted in overshooting the centerline and entering a parallel approach path, leading to a collision with a Swearingen Metroliner.
the Cirrus SR22 aircraft pilot’s high-speed turn from base leg to final resulted in overshooting the centerline and entering a parallel approach path, leading to a collision with a Swearingen Metroliner.

NTSB Report

The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has found that the Cirrus pilot’s decision led to the crash. The pilot flew at a higher speed than the recommended approach speed, resulting in a larger turn radius and an overshoot of the 17R approach.

The aircraft deviated into the 17L approach path, and its course would have taken it further left of the final approach course for 17L. Then it had not collided with the Metroliner, according to the investigation.

However, the inquiry also revealed that the two aircraft were communicating with different tower controllers. Both were on separate radio frequencies while approaching the airport.

The controller handling the Cirrus cleared it to land on 17R and provided traffic advisories to the pilot. However, the Metroliner’s controller, who also had landing clearance, did not give the pilot an advisory about the Cirrus’s location.

The inquiry noted that if the controller had issued an advisory. The Metroliner pilot might have identified the conflict and maneuvered the airplane to avoid the collision.

Both pilots had been advised of the presence of another aircraft. A Cessna, which had been in the traffic pattern for 17R ahead of the Cirrus. It revealed that Cirrus’s avionics system issued a traffic alert that remained on until the collision 36 seconds later.

What do you think about this unfortunate accident? let us know in the comments on our social media handles.

Also Read, INCIDENT A Boeing 737-900 made an emergency landing after a bird entered an engine – AIRLIVE.


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ACCIDENT Russian IL-76MD-90A military aircraft exploded, killed and injured workers Fri, 03 Mar 2023 15:00:06 +0000 The Russian-built Ilyushin Il-76, a military transport aircraft exploded during the pressure test in the hangar. As reported by some Russian media, the Ilyushin Il-76 failed during the pressurization test and exploded or depressurized quickly. The incident occurred at the Aviastar factory in Ulyanovsk, in quarters of Russian military transport airplanes. During the test, few […]

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The Russian-built Ilyushin Il-76, a military transport aircraft exploded during the pressure test in the hangar.

As reported by some Russian media, the Ilyushin Il-76 failed during the pressurization test and exploded or depressurized quickly. The incident occurred at the Aviastar factory in Ulyanovsk, in quarters of Russian military transport airplanes.

During the test, few workers and professionals were present inside the hangar. After the solemn explosion of the Russian aircraft, one worker was killed while six others were injured.

However, the Russian state media has not stated the damage it has caused to the aircraft structure and hangar. But the accident is being investigated to find the precise source of this casualty.

New Il-76MD-90A for the Ministry of Defense of Russia. November 2022, Russia. recently this russian aircraft exploded in the hangar
New Il-76MD-90A for the Ministry of Defense of Russia. November 2022, Russia. Photo credits: PJSC United Aircraft Corporation

More about Aircraft

Russian state military forces utilize aircraft for transportation. The Ilyushin IL-76MD-90A is a renewed military transport aircraft developed by the Ilyushin Aviation Complex, a subordinate of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC).

It can take 126 parachutists or 145 corps in a single-deck layout and 225 battalions in a double-deck configuration. It can also accommodate special equipment to carry 114 injured individuals.

The Russian Il-76MD-90A is a modernized version of the primary Soviet Il-76MD carrier aircraft. Rather than the old D-30KP-2 engines, the more robust and more contemporary PS-90A-76 is used.

As reported by, the latest engines made it feasible to extremely improve the maximum flight range. Engines with a thrust of up to 14.5 tons permit the aircraft to raise up to 60 tons of payload into the air.

Last year in early December, Russia’s Defense Ministry acquired the Il-76MD-90A military transport aircraft. This aircraft that went through the incident was the fourth aircraft of this type built-in 2022.

As of today, the Aviastar aircraft factory has produced 17 copies (including the prototype) of the Il-76MD-90A and one prototype of the Il-78M-90A aerial refueling plane under various agreements.

Also, Read: INCIDENT Thai Airways Airbus A350 narrowly escapes a burning tug – AIRLIVE




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